Cottonwood County Historical Society

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Research Library

The expanded library has a wealth of information for anyone interested in local history or genealogy.  The use of the library cost $2 and there are additional fees for any copies made.  All materials must be used on site.  Effective on August 26th 2002, a written policy for research was adopted by the Historical Society Board of Trustees. 

Research materials include:

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This is a sample paragraph. Feel free to edit this text to make it say anything you would like it to say. This is a sample paragraph. Feel free to edit this text to make it say anything you would like it to say.

  • History books
  • Cemetery records
  • Census data
  • Church records
  • Club & Organization Records
  • Family history files
  • Area newspaper
  • Obituary Files
  • Photographs
  • Plat books
  • Maps
  • Naturalization Records
  • Country School Records
  • Tax Records
  • Telephone books
  • Yearbooks
  • Plus much, much more


Photocopy Fees and Photograph Scanning

.25 cents each copy- 8.5" x 11"

.50 cents each copy- 11" x 17"

20% discount for members

Photograph Scanning

$3.00 per photograph scanned on disk or paper. 

Mail in and Telephone Request

Research requests must include specific information such as names and/or dates.  All mail in and telephone requests will be charged $10.00 per hour with minimum charge of $10.00.  Photocopies will be billed at the appropriate rates indicated above.